Wiki future screening colos with history of hyperplastic polyp


Gleneden Beach, OR
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With a hyperplastic polyp, the AGA states that follow up screenings are not considered high risk and should be done every 10 years as average risk.

Should the intent of the next colonoscopy really be for the history of the hyperplastic polyp (V12.72) or should it be V76.51? If the V12.72 is not the reason for the colo, is it wrong to leave that off the claim? Or would that be considered withholding information when the intent really isn't for the hyperplastic polyp?

Hperplasctic polyp for the rectum vs hyperplastic polyp of other areas of the colon

If the path report states hyperplastic polyp rectum the icd -9 showing 569.0 for hyperplastic . My question is, if the path report states hyperplastic polyps found in the cecum, or other parts of colon I have been using 211.3 but know I am questioning myself about 211.3. Is the code that other coders use even when path states hyperplastic, keeping in mind that 569.0 is only of the rectu m
When the patient only had hyperplastic polyps on their previous colonoscopy, for their subsequent colonoscopy, I use V76.51 instead of V12.72. The hyperplastic polyps don't change the patient's risk of colon cancer and they don't require the patient to be screened more frequently. They are essentially incidental findings. The reason for the patient's subsequent colonoscopy is still a low risk screening.

Unfortunately, with ICD 9, there is no code for hyperplastic colon polyps so 211.3 is the only choice, but with ICD 10, that will no longer be the case.