Wiki Frustrated!!!


Best answers
In using this forum I was really hoping to get help/answers to my questions, as I am very new to the coding world.
There has been hundreds of people reviewing my posts, if I'm lucky 1 might comment.

In using this forum I was really hoping to get help/answers to my questions, as I am very new to the coding world.
There has been hundreds of people reviewing my posts, if I'm lucky 1 might comment.


I understand your frustration; however the stance that I hold is that if I cannot confidently answer a question, I do not post a response. IMO - I believe that the fear has been instilled in us regarding being liable if we are found to be invovled with incorrect/fraudulent coding that many are hesitant to offer guidance so to not be at risk. That being said, I used to get/see a lot more responses from those more experienced than myself and I valued their advice and opinion greatly. I miss having those mentors advice, but can understand and respect their viewpoint of hesitating to respond also.

I hope that others will share their experiences and opinions regarding this also. I would be interested in finding out their views regarding this.
Have you tried LinkedIn? You can set up your account to view posts and ask questions from whatever group you would like.
Sorry you are not having much luck with responses....

In using this forum I was really hoping to get help/answers to my questions, as I am very new to the coding world.
There has been hundreds of people reviewing my posts, if I'm lucky 1 might comment.


If you post your question those of us who do not go on here very often may be able to help you. Can you post your question again?
Follow AAPC on Facebook. There is a group designed just for networking! OMG! It is like heaven on earth to Coders! People ask questions all hours of the day, and I will bet my last dollar that someone out there will respond to you! Good luck :)