Wiki Frozen Section with BX Different Site, Same Day as Mohs


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Can you bill a frozen section with biopsy different site on same day as Mohs to Medicare. Will Medicare pay for frozen and BX? Doc is not feeling comfortable about this.

Thank you
I think the only way this would work is if the frozen section with bx was a confirmation bx before the MOHS. So the decision would have to be made to do the micrographic surgery by obtaining a bx first. The frozen section with bx and the decision to do MOHS I believe would have to be related so whatever the result of the bx is what lead to the decision for the MOHS surgery. Medicare is very picky about how things are coded and billed. They are the one payer with the highest amount of denials so be careful. I would consult with Medicare on anything you are not sure of or has a wealth of information on this.