1. When a patient comes in for foot care before the 61st day, can you bill an E&M in place of the foot care code?
2. Patient has 11055 performed on June 4th on right sub #5 and 11055 performed on June 28th on right sub #1. Can you bill 11055 for both visits since they are different callus' even though not within 60 days of last callus treatment? We received a denial for this scenario, can this denial be appealed?
OHIO-CGS Medicare
2. Patient has 11055 performed on June 4th on right sub #5 and 11055 performed on June 28th on right sub #1. Can you bill 11055 for both visits since they are different callus' even though not within 60 days of last callus treatment? We received a denial for this scenario, can this denial be appealed?
OHIO-CGS Medicare