Wiki Fracture Codes for Rehab Patients


Philo, IL
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If a patient is moved to rehab after a hospitalized ORIF for a fracture, is rehab still considered active care or is this considered aftercare. I'm debating whether or not only v-codes should be used for the rehab encounter or of v-codes along with the dx for the fracture (ex. 808.0) should be used. Any advice?
After initial injury and treatment it is no longer considered an acute fracture for any followup visit or treatment it is a healing or healed fracture... Coding clinic 3rd quarter 2001. Visits or admission for the purpose of rehab must be coded using the V57.x code for the appropriate type of rehab followed by the reason for rehab which is not an acute fracture but the residual such as stiffness, or instability... pg 12 item 15 in the correct coding guidelines.