Wiki Fracture Care


Best answers
When is it valid to charge a fracture care CPT along with the E/M code for the ER? I'm being told that I should be charging the fracture care codes as well as the E/M codes for the professional and facility billing, but that seems like double billing to me. Any thoughts? Thank you very much!
what is considered fracture care? or rather, what do they have to document for it to be coded as fracture care? thank you!
Fracture Care Follies

Fracture care in the ED has been debated for years. In auditing EDs I see fracture care coding all over the place. A lot of terms are thrown around like Definitive Care, Restorative Care, Palliative Care. If anyone is intersted, give me your E and I'll send you a presentation I've done for a couple of AAPC chapters. I might also touch on it when I present in Nashville.

Jim S.
E/M with CPT

Need a modifier that will work for state insurance for an E/M level and a Frax w/o manipulation. Already have the 25 on the level but the 54, that the physician is circling, is denying. Anyone have a suggestion?

Fracture care in the ED has been debated for years. In auditing EDs I see fracture care coding all over the place. A lot of terms are thrown around like Definitive Care, Restorative Care, Palliative Care. If anyone is intersted, give me your E and I'll send you a presentation I've done for a couple of AAPC chapters. I might also touch on it when I present in Nashville.

Jim S.

Can you please let me see the presentation? Thank you