Wiki Forms fee


Arlington TX
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Would it be appropriate to charge a fee to complete disability paperwork for a patient that would have to be out of work for a surgery such as a hernia repair; or is this considered part of what needs to be done because you're a general surgeon?

Anyone charging a fee for such and was there backlash?

Part of the business of medicine

My own opinion is that this is part of the business of medicine and should not be separately charged to the patient.

Our surgical practice does not charge for this service. My parents' physician has never charged me for completing my FMLA paperwork (though I've offered - after all I'm not his patient and the forms are 3-4 pages long!).

However, I know some practices that do impose a nominal fee.

As you consider the possibility of imposing such fees, you should consider the options. Will you charge for every form you need to fill out? You might want to include the first form as part of the package, but charge for all subsequent forms. You might want to include any forms that are specifically for the patient, but charge for forms needed for spouse or other family members. You might have a different policy for Worker's Comp or other accident/injury cases.

If you are going to go this route the key is that you MUST have the information made clear to the patient BEFORE the need for it arises. Surprises do NOT make for good patient relations. A patient should know in advance of scheduling surgery that you are going to charge him/her for completing such forms so the patient can make an informed decision whether to continue care with your office, or seek another surgeon.

Hope that was helpful.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
My opinion, is these forms are minimal, and take two minutes to fill, and should be inclusive or have a MINIMAL charge.
The last practice I worked for charged $25! I thought this was outrageous, and there was a backlash. Some would pay and not mind, but there were plenty more on fixed incomes, or who weren't getting a paycheck since they were missing work due to illness/surgery. I felt soooo bad asking these patients for $25 (sometimes more when they had multiple sets of forms) when I knew the nurse filled them out in two minutes and stamped the doctors name on it.
My sons orthopaedic surgeon charges us $3. My PCP charges $11 for forms. Both of which I dont mind paying.
It does take time to pull charts and review info..fill form based on that, fax forms back and file...and as surgeons you will get A LOT of these forms...I think a minimal fee might be justified.

I code for a breast surgery practice, & they charge the patient $15 for each set of forms they complete.

Kathleen Draskovich, CPC, CCS-P