Wiki Foreign Body


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I need help with billing the correct code/modifier for a foreign body removal. We have a number of patients who come in complaining of a foreign body and we can't find one. We use a local anesthesia, make an incision, explore the wound - can't find a foreign body, irrigate the wound and suture the wound closed. We currently only bill the E/M code and this just doesn't seem right to me. We have thought about using a /52?

Thanks in advance for the help.
If it's not a foreign body then the physician must have some diagnosis for it...cyst, abscess or somthing. Look at 10060 and see if that would work.
The physician really doesn't have a good diagnosis. They were looking for a piece of glass, splinter, etc. and never found it. It just seems like an awful lot of work to only get paid an E/M code.