Wiki foreign body - what CPT code


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what CPT code would you use to remove the back of an earring embedded in an earlobe. the Dr. removes a scab that has grown over the earring back & removes the embedded part without anesthesia with forceps. no sutures required.

Without seeing an actual procedure note, it is difficult to tell ... but if what is documented fits this description you might use CPT 10120 ... The physician removes a foreign body embedded in subcutaneous tissue. The physician makes a simple incision in the skin overlying the foreign body. The foreign body is retrieved using hemostats or forceps. The skin may be sutured or allowed to heal secondarily. Report 10121 if the procedure is more complicated, requiring dissection of underlying tissues

If he did not document this procedure, you will probably just have an E/M.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
unfortunately, she didn't make an incision, simply pulled off a scab covering the embedded metal. looks like a 99213. thanks