Wiki Foreign Body Removal


Escondido, CA
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I keep having umbilical foreign body removals of stitch however there are different circumstances involved therefore I'm posting a umbilical stictch foreign body removal again:

The patient was brought to the procedure room and positioned on the procedure table. A surgical timeout was completed, the correct site was marked, and the operative field was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion.

The procedure began with 5 mL 1% lidocaine solution used to anesthetize the skin at the line of planned incision immediately below the umbilicus. Bovie cautery was then used to perform 3 cm incision over the foreign body. The incision was carried down with the help of Bovie cautery and superior and the umbilicus was lifted off the underlying tissues. A proline stitch was identified in the tissues. The free end of the suture were extracted from the skin, and delivered into the wound the stitch was subsequently excised and passed off the procedure table for pathology examination. Another, similar stitch was noted, and was also excised in a similar fashion. Careful examination of the wound was performed, and did not reveal any other foreign objects. Meticulous surgical hemostasis was achieved.

3-0 Vicryl suture was then used to approximate the deep dermal layer with multiple interrupted sutures. Finally, the skin was closed with 4-0 Monocryl suture, using subcuticular running suture technique. Dermabond dressing was applied..