Wiki Foreign body removal

I am coming up with 891.1

how I arrived at this:

looked up wound
then directs to "complication include wounds with:" foreign body
looked to knee- complication
I tried using Find A code and this is what I came up with: 916.6


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916 Superficial injury of hip, thigh, leg, and ankle

Description Icons
916.0 Abrasion hip & leg
916.1 Abrasion hip/leg-infect
916.2 Blister hip & leg
916.3 Blister hip & leg-infect
916.4 Insect bite hip & leg
916.5 Insect bite hip/leg-inf
916.6 Foreign body hip/leg
916.7 Foreign bdy hip/leg-inf
916.8 Superfic inj hip/leg NEC
916.9 Superf inj leg NEC-infec
I liked your code choice Cathy, until I read the exclusions. I think we need additional info from original poster...
Definitely more info is needed. For instance was this a trauma (pt. fell on cement and it got imbedded in the knee), was this a previous injury with a retained foreign body, or did the pt. have a previous surgery where some type of cement was used? These are different scenarios and each would be coded differently.
It was a right knee arthroscopy/ pre op dx was foreign body r-knee, pathology report states final diagnosis foreign body cement-foreign body consist of irregular pieces of calcified particles...I code for pathology lab this is all the info we got.