Wiki Forcep Assisted Delivery

Port Washington, WI
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Ok, so we have a certified nurse midwife who was with a patient who came into the hospital for induction. After 8 hours, one of our MD's were called in to perform a forcep assisted vaginal delivery. My question is, both providers submitted charges to me for this encounter, so who gets the credit for this delivery? This is a global maternity care situation and under normal circumstances I would bill 59400 under the midwife. However, since the MD was called in and actually used the forceps, do I give him the 59400 and the midwife gets 59409-80? Or does the MD get 59409? Then would the midwife get any charge? Thanks for you help! I hope this makes sense! :confused:
I would bill the prenatal services with 59425 or 59426 to the midwife. I would then code a 59409 to the doc. Unless there is some type of reciprocal agreement between the 2. We have agreements with our call group that we pay a set flat fee to the delivering doc if it different than regular OB doc. The regular doc then bills the global. If an agreement has not been made, then I would split the global and bill for the work actually done by each provider.