Wiki Food Allergy diagnosis coding Please help!!


Local Chapter Officer
Hooper, UT
Best answers
I have a question on the assignment of ICD 9 codes for food allergies. Specifically patient's who have had anaphylaxis to a food IN THE PAST and present to the clinic for a routine follow up, but are NOT CURRENTLY having anaphylaxis. The coder previous to me coded all these patient's with the anaphylaxis diagnosis code, but from the small amount of information I've found it states that unless the patient is currently having anaphylaxis, then those diagnosis codes should not be coded. I've also found that an ICD 9 code is assigned based on the patient's reaction to the food. Any information you can provide on how you code these would be appreciated. Thanks!
477.1 is allergic rhinitis due to food and look in the V15.0- series for a specific food category.
However if the patient is not currently experiencing allergic rhinitis then it cannot be coded, you need a follow up V67 code with the V15 code listed second