Wiki Followup


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Our patient has come in for a f/u post hospital stay for attempted suicide. I would like to use the correct dx codes for this. I billed with v and e codes and it was denied. Any ideas? Thanks
Take a look at the V67 series in the ICD-9-CM manual. These codes are used for follow-up exams. You would not report E codes here. E codes are only reported for the inital encounter for the treatment and not any subsequent care (except fractures).
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Oh i didn't know e codes were for only for the initial encounter. I did bill with a v67- code as primary but bc denied saying this does not meet their technology assessment criteria or med policy guideline. Could i use any injury code perhaps?? Or maybe i should use a counseling code?? What do you think? Thanks
Depending on what's in the note, wouldn't you code the underlying condition that led to the suicide attempt, something like Depression as the primary DX? There must have been a discharge DX. Wouldn't you code the condition rather than the act?