Wiki Followup status post thoracotomy


Santee, CA
Best answers
I'm trying to figure out what the principal diagnosis would be for this outpatient clinic visit.

Subjective: A 48yo male here to follow up after thoracotomy for blood in chest. He was admitted for hemothorax on right and now patient doing well after surgery.

Exam includes this: Right chest incision clean, dry, and intact.

Assessment/Plan: Fracture of rib, 807.09, multiple ribs. Right hemothorax, status post thoracotomy. He has follow-up with cardiothoracic surgeon at (name of hospital).

Provider has chosen the diagnosis of rib fracture, but I don't see that addressed at this visit (though it was on a prior visit). (We are told to code what is monitored/assessed/treated, as documented in the SOAP note.)

I thought about using V67.09 (followup exam following surgery), but that's for surveillance only following completed treatment. I'm not sure that fits here.

Sometimes I'm told if the provider gives a diagnosis, go with it because that's his/her assessment. Other times I'm told we have to watch what they choose because it may not be the most accurate or best reflect the reason for visit/treated condition.

Help! Am I over-thinking this one, overlooking something obvious, not understanding something, etc.? How would you code this?

Thanks, as always, in advance!
It is just the V67 for follow up, the condition has resolved and there is no further treatment being provided. You cannot use a code for a condition that is no longer present.