Wiki Followup exams


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Hi everyone,

Ive been going back an forth with this one.
WHen I receive an order that states "Pneumonia Followup", and the physician states
the condtion has cleared, do I code 486, even though it is clear, or do i code V67...?

And does the same rule apply for ANY kind of followup exam?

Thanks :rolleyes:
Hi everyone,

Ive been going back an forth with this one.
WHen I receive an order that states "Pneumonia Followup", and the physician states
the condtion has cleared, do I code 486, even though it is clear, or do i code V67...?

And does the same rule apply for ANY kind of followup exam?

Thanks :rolleyes:

It really depends on their status. If they still have pneumonia, then code pneumonia. If they are recovering from it but haven't completely gotten better, then code an Aftercare code, depending on what their recovery is (there are codes for if they had a surgery, or if they're going through rehab, etc.). Followup codes would be for after they've completely healed, and are no longer receiving treatment - once again, the code you'll use will depend on the nature of the visit, and what kind of treatment they went through to get rid of the pneumonia. You may also want to add a code from the V12.6X range to indicate a personal history of pneumonia if you assign an aftercare or followup code. I'd have to see the note to give you more info, though. Hope that helps! ;)