Wiki Follow up vs. Preventative


Columbus, Ohio
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If a patient is being followed in the office every 4 months for a cancer diagnoses are we allowed to deem one of the visits a "preventative" visit?

The patient called stating she gets 1 gyn exam free every year (Annual) and is wanting us to recode as preventive. We explained that she is being seen for a follow up of a cancer diagnoses and that the visit was not considered "Routine" and if we change it to reflect something it is not then it would be fraud.

I am correct, right?
The patients note should state patient is here for her annual. She can still have her cancer diagnosis checked out at that visit, but she needs to have her pap and breast exam done as well. The note should reflect she is there for her annual. You can not charge a preventative visit-annual-when you didn't do one. Hope this helps.
K Albert,CPC