Wiki follow up and procedure


Saint Joseph, MO
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Does anyone know can you bill an inpatient follow up code and an inpatient EGD code in the same day and if you can would you use a modifier 25 on the follow up code?
Thanks for any help anyone can provide
I would like a little more information, but I?ll give my opinion on what is available.
I don?t see any reason why you couldn?t use a follow up code and code for the EGD (assuming EGD means gastrointestinal endoscopy).
What comes to mind if the provider saw the patient and decided to do and did do the procedure on the same day.
Do you have a reason you think this is not acceptable? Like what brought up the question?
I have just never had a physician who has done a follow up visit and scope in the same day so these are not two codes I have ever put together so I was just inquiring. I couldn't find anything that said that they are not allowed together but wanted a little more input as I am still fairly new to some of the things that I come across.
Would you use the modifier 25 as you would if it was a consult/procedure on the same day.