Wiki fluoro


Best answers
does anybody know if surgical centers are allowed to charge for 76000 for fluoro when done with sugeries? encoder pro says we are allowed but I am still now quite convinced:eek:
yes with the TC modifier. Keep in mind..Medicare does not allow for payment as this has a payment indicator of N1. You should check your carrier contracts to see which carriers allow for the revenue code. I have some centers that failed to negotiate the revenue code therefore they can not get paid, but many others do.

(you will also find supporting documentation in the AAPC ASC study guide)
osteo beads placement

how do you charge for the placement of osteo beads after an I/D of achilles?:confused:
are you speaking of the antibiotic beads? If so, then 11981.

If not, I've never heard of osteo beads, could you please give more info.

the physician performed an achilles tendon repair 4 weeks ago, now the patient comes back with what appears to be an infection,the same physician performs an incision and debridement down to the bone and places a kit of resorbable mini beads fast cure by wright
If the ASC purchased them, then I would code them out with L8699 (and attach the invoice per most carrier requirements).