Wiki Flu shots


Anchorage, AK
Best answers
I know this may not be the only post regarding flu shots. But I need clarification, only because I'm getting 2 different answers.

If a patient comes in solely for a flu shot and the provider documents ROS, vitals and no EXAM, does it need an E/M?

First answer from a source: Yes you do need and E/M with a -25 mod. (I'm a bit skeptical on this answer)

Second answer from another: If a patient comes in solely for a flu shot then only the admin code with V04.81 should just be used. Documenting an ROS does not warrant an additional E/M office code.

I'm leaning more toward the second answer.. What do you gurus have to say?

Thanks for any input!!! :confused:
Same opinion here...

If the only reason for the encounter the flu shot, no E/M should be assigned, even if some ROS was performed.
G0008 vs. Q2039

For MCR patients, would you code G0008 or Q2039 for flu vacc. admin? I was told Q2039 but I'm disagreeing and going with G0008.
