Wiki Florida VFC vaccine, please help!


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I need help, I'm having some issues with the vaccine for children vaccines (VFC) For the state of Florida, is there a modifier that should be used? also we have been sending out the vaccines and administration with $0 charge, is there suppose to be a charge?
VFC vaccines

You should check with your state Medicaid rep for clarification, but from the little bit of research I've done it appears that several states billing guidelines are similar in regard to this topic. In Georgia, when billing for VFC vaccines we use use an "EP" modifier on the vaccine and admin codes. If they are given at a well child/health check, we use an "EP" modifier on the health check code along with a modifier 25. As for the charges, you should find out what your state allows and whether they reimburse based on the CPT for each vaccine or the admin code. Georgia reimburses for admin codes. Hope this helps.
In Tennessee, we do not use a modifier, we are allowed to charge 20.00 per vaccine for admin, and we bill .01 on the vaccines themselves so that they will go through the EDI. The .01 is written off, but, we are normally reimbursed for each admin fee.