Wiki Florida Medicaid NPP billing


Fort Myers
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I am having trouble finding clear answers to how a PA or ARNP should be billing Medicaid for pediatric care. My question is regarding my interpretation of the below quote. My understanding is we can bill all visit new and established under the supervising physician as long as the physician is in the building with the exception of well visits. Is this correct? I know this seems pretty straight forward but it just seems odd that only well visits need to be billed under the NPP's.

The Florida Medicaid Handbook states:
"Services provided by an ARNP or a PA under the personal supervision of a physician may be billed by the physician instead of the ARNP or PA.
Personal supervision pursuant to Rule 59G-1.010(276), F.A.C., means that the services are furnished while the supervising practitioner is in the building and that the supervising practitioner signs and dates the medical records (chart) within 24 hours of the provision of the service.
Exceptions are deliveries, psychiatric services, and Child Health Check-Up screenings. The ARNP or PA who provides these services must bill using their own Medicaid ID number as the rendering provider number.