Wiki flexor digitorum profundus excision with pulley reconstruction


Levittown, PA
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Im not quite sure how to code this I got 26390 26500 26500 I want to code 26356 but it was inclusive to 26390

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left small finger zone 2 flexor tendon

laceration (flexor digitorum profundusand flexor tendondigitorum


POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Left small finger zone 2 flexor tendon

laceration (flexor digitorum profundus and flexor tendon digitorum



1. Left small finger flexor tenolysis.

2. Left small finger partial flexor digitorum profundus excision.

3. Left small finger ulnar digital nerve repair, zone 2.

4. Left small finger A2 pulley reconstruction.

5. Left small finger A4 pulley reconstruction.

6. Left small finger Hunter rod insertion (passive 3 mm from distal

phalanx to the wrist crease).

7. Volar splint.



IV FLUIDS: Crystalloid.



FOLEY: None.


FINDINGS/PROCEDURE: The patient was brought to the operating room

awake, alert, and in stable condition. Discussed the risks and

benefits of the surgery. She received a prophylactic dose of

antibiotics. Verbal time-out was performed confirming the operative

site, patient, and procedure. Tourniquet was applied on the left

upper arm. The left upper arm was sterilely prepped and draped. A

Brunner incision was marked over the volar aspect of the small finger

and palm. The limb was exsanguinated, tourniquet inflated to250 mmHg.

Under 3.5 loupe magnification, the above-marked skin incision was

made, full-thickness skin flaps elevated. At the site of the

laceration in zone 2 over the proximal phalanx, there was abundant

scar tissue along the ulnar border of the digit. The digital

neurovascular structure was identified. The ulnar digital nerve was

completely transected. This nerve was then mobilized. External

neurolysis was performed. With 2 viable ends of the nerve available,

I was able to do a nerve repair. I first performed a flexor tendon

tenolysis. The A2 pulley, A3 pulley, and A4 pulleys were completely

adherent to the bone; therefore, I opened up the flexor sheath in this

area. FDS tendon was identified just distal to the A1 pulley and was

adherent to some scar tissue. FDP was proximally migrated proximal to

the A1 pulley. The A1 pulley was actually in good condition and was

preserved. After the flexor tenolysis was performed, the remnants of

the FDS tendon which were about 1 cm in length were preserved, and I

actually used these to reconstruct the A4 pulley. The stump of the

FDP tendon was partially excised back to a reasonable length. This

waselevated. The wound was then thoroughly irrigated. The

tourniquet was deflated. Excellent hemostasis was obtainable. I then

moved forward with repairs.

The wound was then thoroughly irrigated. The ulnar digital nerve was

repaired with 9-0 nylon. Four simple sutures were placed. Excellent

apposition of the epineural repair was achievable without tension. I

then moved forward with placement of the Hunter rod. The Hunter rod

was first placed through the A1 pulley. I preserved the FDS tendon.

This would become an excellent source of amotor source for a tendon

repair for the second stage. The Hunter rod was then secured distally

beneath the FDP tendon insertion. This was performed with 3-0

FiberWire. This was secured. The A4 pulley was then reconstructed

using the 2radial and ulnar limbs of the FDS tendon. This was

secured with 4-0 Mersilene. This created an excellent pulley. The

remnants of the A3 pulley were repaired, and the A2 pulley was

repaired with a Mersilene suture. This was done by Z-plasting the

contracted A2 pulley. The A1 pulley was preserved. The Hunter rod

was then placed with a tendon passer proximal to the wrist flexion

crease beneath thetransverse carpal ligament. Intraoperative

fluoroscopic imagingconfirmed placement of the Hunter rod. The wound

was then thoroughly irrigated. The skin edges were then

reapproximated with 4-0 Prolene. Wounds were cleaned with wet-and-dry

dressing, Adaptic, Betadine, and fluffs. Marcaine was injected for

postoperative pain relief. The patient tolerated the procedure well

and was brought to the recovery room in an awake, alert, stable

condition to be discharged pending further evaluation.