Wiki First year residents


Best answers
We are a family practice residency program who have many Medicare patients. When can first year residents see Medicare patients? I was always told 6 months after they start. However, I was just informed that is not true. First year residents can see Medicare patients from day one just as long as a faculty physician also sees the patient and documents in chart notes.
CMS MedLearn has a great resource tool in the MedLearn catalog. The describe the requirements of documentation, signatures, coding, billing, compliance. Give it a look.
We are a family practice residency program who have many Medicare patients. When can first year residents see Medicare patients? I was always told 6 months after they start. However, I was just informed that is not true. First year residents can see Medicare patients from day one just as long as a faculty physician also sees the patient and documents in chart notes.

My advice to you would be to review the CMS fact sheet regarding Teaching Physician rules, it gives very detailed information pertaining to all aspects of what you are looking for.