Wiki First Time Medical Auditor


Irving, TX
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I've recently started training on auditing our office E/M codes. This auditing process is extremely new to me as I just became certified in March 2013. The CPC exam does NOT prepare you for this task. I need guidance from anyone that is seasoned in the fine art of medical auditing.

1. 3 Chronic Conditions versus HPI?
I read somewhere that the chronic condition could either the presenting problem (eg. UTI, chest pain, bee sting, etc) or a inactive condition (e.g. hx of cancer, htn, diabetes, etc). This part is very confusing because I'm giving our providers credit when they shouldn't be receiving it. What key terms or rules should I look for to pull for the chronic conditions? I'm doing fair on the HPI elements.

2. Medical Decision Making
I think every coder understands the stress behind this section. The risk of complications does not include a wide variety of diagnostic procedures or management options. If the physician only recommends rest and diet as the management option what level of risk would they be?

If anyone can recommend a self-study course, auditing kit or study guide that can prepare a first time auditor for this aspect of coding would be greatly appreciated. I know that the AAPC offers a course, but that's a little too rich for my blood.

Thank you.