Wiki First coding credential aka where to begin your career in coding

where did you begin your career

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True Blue
Worcester, MA
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I've always just assumed one would start as a CPC and work their way up. It seems many people come here wanting to jump straight in to where the money is. I was just curious if my assumptions are correct. If possible can you answer my poll. What was the first credential you obtained or if no credential what applicable area of practice did you perform.

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I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management, and took the RHIA exam right out of school.

My first position was coding outpatient for a hospital. My current position is physician coding for pediatrics. I'm studying to take the CPMA exam ;)
My first coding credential was my COC. I've been coding for nearly 12 years and finally decided it was time to get my certification. Since I'd already have so much experience with outpatient hospital coding, I went straight for my COC. :)
I started out as a front desk representative, moved to billing/collections and then with a degree in management, became a practice manager in a mental health practice.

Later, I moved to coding, got certified as a CPC, and later went on to earn a Master's. I've been a coding manager in a facility for 10 years. Altogether, this took 24 years.
First Credential

My first certification was RCC, Radiology Certified Coder. I got my CPC after working for 2 years, so never had the CPC-A. This summer I earned by CPMA certification.

Mary Wells, CPC, CPMA, RCC
I started out in a hospital medical records department as a float clerk (filling in at different jobs), went on to statistics then outpatient coding. I did SNF coding then went on to physician coding. I didn't get my CPC until 2001 (AAPC didn't even exist when I first started) and my CPMA in 2011. Altogether I've been doing this in one form or another for 34 years. I now do auditing and teaching.
Ah the common theme I was expecting. Start from the bottom and work your way up.

My start was I needed a job and there was a temp agency offering $12 an hour to work in an HMO's call center. Being 18 and not being a very good student, I jumped on it right away just because no one else was going to pay me wage like that having only a high school diploma. I've been in the business since working at multiple insurance carriers working my way up the pay scale.

I thought about becoming a CPC in 2007 when I joined the forum but took me until this year to finally start working on it. I'm currently auditing the contract config specialists and part of my job is auditing fee schedules the CPC puts together. In order to do this I have to follow the exact same steps as the CPC. 50% of her day to day is doing what I'm already good at so I figured I really want her job. She is currently on Medical leave and has been told she has maxed out her FMLA so her position is to pen up at any time and she says I should take it. I know its not production coding or really much coding at all so I wont be learning as fast as everyone else .

However my plan is CPC then COC or CPMA or CEMC. I signed up for Practicode to get the real world experience since I wont be getting true coding experience where I work. I just wish production coding paid more. I'm already making more than the average CPC. I'm hoping there is some way to keep my current career path and not have to take a major drop in salary. My ultimate goal if its production coding is to work for Aviacode or maybe get into health care fraud investigation.
Great poll!

I'm currently job hunting so I find this really interesting that the poll is so strong in the CPC / Physician coding. I think I'll focus more on those jobs to increase my chances of that (versus entry level jobs I'm applying to since chances are slim I'll be coding right away).
I started out as a Charge Entry Rep/Insurance Rep. Then was asked by the Billing Manager to try Coding. Took my RCC first and passed (7 years ago). I got my I10 proficency certification and now I am studying for the CPC. I've been coding for 7 years!
I started out as a Charge Entry Rep/Insurance Rep. Then was asked by the Billing Manager to try Coding. Took my RCC first and passed (7 years ago). I got my I10 proficency certification and now I am studying for the CPC. I've been coding for 7 years!

I just loaned out my CPT book that is bubbled and hilighted to one of the gals at work who has been in the risk adjustment department who is now taking here CPC as well.