Wiki Findings of Hyperplastic Polyps


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Hello - Can anyone help shed light on when it's appropriate to diagnose "Personal History" of Colon Polyps. The question is, because I-10 describes and defines codes K63.5 and K51.4- as Colon Polyp, does or does this not translate to Personal History once a patient has been diagnosed with either one of these codes?

I have pulled articles and guidelines, but I would like to know if there's a good resource out there that addresses this question specifically relating to hyperplastic or inflammatory colon polyps...or at least could provide some clarity.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance -
I think as of now, there is no distinction re: adenomatous vs. hyperplastic. If a person has had polyps in the past, they have a personal history of polyps. Since we implemented ICD-10, we may see something in the future about differentiating between the K63.5 and the D12.X codes with regard to both coding a personal history of polyps and screening intervals.