Wiki Finding a Coding Job.


Oxford, NC
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Hello Everyone,
I just passed my CPC exam and I am trying to find out how to find a job this field. I keep being told its hard to find a job in this field. I have been working in medical billing for a year now. I have been in the medical field for 10 years. I really need something work form home because I have a baby with medical needs at this time. I am willing to work outside the home as well. I just don't know where to get started. Any advice?
Finding a coding job

Hello Everyone,
I just passed my CPC exam and I am trying to find out how to find a job this field. I keep being told its hard to find a job in this field. I have been working in medical billing for a year now. I have been in the medical field for 10 years. I really need something work form home because I have a baby with medical needs at this time. I am willing to work outside the home as well. I just don't know where to get started. Any advice?

There are a ton of jobs out there but, as many, many others on this forum will attest, most employers want coders with some coding experience.

With regards to working from home, the same thing applies and employers generally want at least 3 years of coding experience and with good reason. I would add that many want to work from home because they have young children and, while I truly sympathize that your baby has medical needs, this is actually a big no-no for employers. As an employee you are expected to work as you would if you went into an office to work. You cannot have the continual distraction of having to attend to a baby. Sorry but that is the reality.

For starters I would try to get some coding experience. You have billing experience and have been in the medical field for a long time. Oftentimes a billing job can lead to a coding opportunity or a billing/coding position.

I wish you good luck. Hang in there.
Finding a Coding Job


Life is challenging. Extra challenging to have a baby with medical needs.

The field of coding is difficult to get in for a job. But starting out any career is difficult.

Keep networking in you local chapter. If you are in Tacoma, WA area, I know someone now that needs a coder but you have to get a clearance and go onsite to work.

As you look for work, practice coding because everywhere you go the potential employer gives an assessment. Some are good and some assessments are bad too. If you get an assessment you think is bad, read through it, and then come back to it later and re-read. Sometimes that helps. Also, if the assessment is bad in your opinion, it may be a company you don't want to work for anyways. Assessments are to assess skill. Not to trick you or distract you from answering the question because it is so stupid or written poorly.

Remote work is not easy. You spend more hours getting the work done because companies expect more. No support either in most cases.

I have worked remote since 2011. I know a thing or two about this type of work. My job puts me in time zones all over the world. But, this may not be the case for you. Most remote work is for a local company or may be a company with several contracts.

Good Luck!