Wiki FFR measurement help


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Happy Friday everyone...

can someone please assist me with the following:
Case 1
If we performed angioplasty and stending of the LAD and the doctor performed fractional flow reserve measurement of the proximal left anterior descending lesion how would I bill this.

Then on another patient he did PTCA and stenting of the LAD 92928 LD
he then did PTCA of the diagonal branch can I bill for this as well or is it inclusive to the 92928?

Thank you and hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Whoa, Rsenn1979. 92933 is athrectomy with stent. If the MD performed a stenting of the LAD and PTCA of the diagonal, you should bill 92920 (PTCA of a single major coronary OR branch.

Here is an explanation of the FFR from Medscape: FFR is easily measured during routine coronary angiography by using a pressure wire to calculate the ratio between coronary pressure distal to a coronary artery stenosis and aortic pressure under conditions of maximum myocardial hyperemia.[3] This ratio represents the potential decrease in coronary flow distal to the coronary stenosis. Here is the website address: The CPT code for pressure wire is 93571-26

Than you both, I guess I should have indicated 2 seperate procedures... my error..but patient one had PTCA and stenting of LAD 92928 LD, then PTCA of diagonal branch can I bill the PTCA as well with the 92928?

Patient (2) had Fractional flow reserve measured of the promimal LAD then angioplasty and stent of the proximal left can I bill these seperately??
#6 05-11-2013, 03:41 PM
Networker Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 51


Than you both, I guess I should have indicated 2 seperate procedures... my error..but patient one had PTCA and stenting of LAD 92928 LD, then PTCA of diagonal branch can I bill the PTCA as well with the 92928?

Patient (2) had Fractional flow reserve measured of the promimal LAD then angioplasty and stent of the proximal left can I bill these seperately??
#6 05-11-2013, 03:41 PM
Networker Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 51


Than you both, I guess I should have indicated 2 seperate procedures... my error..but patient one had PTCA and stenting of LAD 92928 LD, then PTCA of diagonal branch can I bill the PTCA as well with the 92928?

Patient (2) had Fractional flow reserve measured of the promimal LAD then angioplasty and stent of the proximal left can I bill these seperately??

For case #1 the PTCA of diagonal branch can be billed separately with +92921.

For case #2 the FFR can be billed separately from the angioplasty/stenting that was done.

Jessica CPC, CCC