Wiki Ffr billing question


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Received biller from my docs with a LHC performed by doc #1 and then an FFR performed by doc #2 same date of service, but different session. Since 93571 and 93572 are add-on codes, not sure what modifier to use in this instance. Any suggestions??? Would appreciate any input. Thanks.:D
Ugh, they don't know what headaches they give us, do they? Bill both with no modifier. Put a note in your billing system saying they were done on the same day by different MDs. If there are any denials, your billing people can appeal and hopefully the insurance will pay. Its what we do with pressure wire and caths by two different MDs.
That is what we do also. Most of the time it comes back denied and then we appeal. We have a packet of information that we submit back with the appeal and have never lost one yet. Also make sure both doctors sign the dictation if they only dictated one report. If not Medicare will deny for no signature. We had our cath lab change the templates to require two signatures.

Good Luck