Wiki Fetal Demise-Our physician did

kathy a

Elizabethtown, PA
Best answers
Our physician did a treatment for an incomplete abortion due to fetal demise in the first tri-mester. I believe the code for this is # 59820-dx- 632. I went on line to see what the difference between #59812 and # 59820 was. #59812 is for an incomplete abortion-patient was aborting fetus-not all parts expelled.# 59820 is for a missed abortion.This means that the fetus no longer has a viable heartbeat and died in utero. Is this correct?The article went on to say that if the physician uses a cervical dialator you can bill out # 59200-59-dx 656.43. I just want to know from someone who has billed these out if this is correct? I have never billed out for the cervical dialator all along. I was just thrown into OB/GYN and have had to learn on my own.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Kathy:confused: