Could I charge anything along with an annual for counseling on fertility done at the same time as an annual? The discussion was for same sex couple trying to conceive
Reviewed CARS and poss IUI and looking at sperm banks and eventual having a subscription to gather info about poss donors. Reviewed open donors and sibling registries. She notes gaining weight during the pandemic and back on track with diet and going to the gym. Has a pcp now and working on cholesterol. She would like to optimize health prior to conception. Reviewed PNV prior to conception as well. Reviewed option of weight loss drugs to help as well.
And stated again..
Reviewed same sex fertility options and given CARS pamphlet and info on sperm banks, reviewed PNV prior to conception, answered her questions
Reviewed conception timing and AMA and fertility related to age and chromosomal abnl as women age
Encouraged healthy lifestyle
on top of what was done for the normal annual
Reviewed CARS and poss IUI and looking at sperm banks and eventual having a subscription to gather info about poss donors. Reviewed open donors and sibling registries. She notes gaining weight during the pandemic and back on track with diet and going to the gym. Has a pcp now and working on cholesterol. She would like to optimize health prior to conception. Reviewed PNV prior to conception as well. Reviewed option of weight loss drugs to help as well.
And stated again..
Reviewed same sex fertility options and given CARS pamphlet and info on sperm banks, reviewed PNV prior to conception, answered her questions
Reviewed conception timing and AMA and fertility related to age and chromosomal abnl as women age
Encouraged healthy lifestyle
on top of what was done for the normal annual