Wiki Femoral Artery Transposition


Smyrna, TN
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Good morning,
Does anyone know the CPT code for Femoral Artery Transposition?
I have searched every way know how, to no avail. Can't imagine it will bundle with the 35656 graft 35685 miller cuff codes.

1. Transposition of Superficial Femoral artery to profunda femoris artery
2. Femoral to below the knee popliteal artery bypass using 6mm PTFE and Miller Cuff.

** longitudinal incision was made in the right groin
** expose SFA and just lateral to it we were able to expose the profunda
** Appropriate segments of both vessels were exposed
** attention to the below-knee popliteal
** incision was made in the proximal calf
** expose the popliteal space… popliteal artery was found…
**Dissection of a sufficient segment was performed
** graft was then tunneled anatomically between the 2 incisions

** superficial femoral artery was transected distally and oversewn
** profunda femoris was clamped proximally and distally and an anterior arteriotomy was created
** end of the SFA was spatulated appropriately and an anastomosis was performed between the transected SFA and the profunda femoral artery in end-to-side fashion

** right superficial femoral artery was clamped proximally and distally and an anterior arteriotomy was created.
** The PTFE graft was spatulated appropriately and an anastomosis was performed between the graft and the superficial femoral artery in end-to-side fashion.
** then reestablished flow into the profunda
** harvested a 5 cm segment of GSV from this same incision.
** back to the popliteal incision
** arteriotomy was made
** GSV segment was opened longitudinally and any valves were removed.
** It was then sewn to the popliteal arteriotomy to create a Miller Cuff.
** The distal end of the PTFE graft was spatulated appropriately and anastomosed to the Miller Cuff/popliteal artery end-to-side