Wiki Femoral Arteriography w/ 93459 + 92928

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How do I code a Femoral Arteriography in conjunction with 93459 + 92928?

"left femoral arteriography was obtained by hand injection of diluted Isovue in LAO view"

How do I code a Femoral Arteriography in conjunction with 93459 + 92928?

"left femoral arteriography was obtained by hand injection of diluted Isovue in LAO view"


It would help to see was was reported.

If this was done to examine vessel for the reason to implant a closure device then you do not code. I would need to see the report to make any other suggestions.
Thank you for the reply.

This is the only part of the op note that references the FA:

"The left femoral arteriography was obtained by hand injection of diluted Isovue into LAO view. There was no significant disease except calcification noted in the left common femoral artery. Next, a Mynx closure device was subsequently used in an attempt to obtain hemostasis. However, the Mynx distal balloon ruptured when the balloon was pulled in an attempt to tamponade the arteriotomy site for the plug deployment. Another new Mynx device was used, but again the balloon ruptured in the same situation. The balloon rupture was felt to be due to the calcified blood vessel at the arteriotomy site."
IMO I would not code for the Femoral Angiogram as it was to determine is the use of a closure device.