Wiki Femoral angiogram 36200


Loganville, GA
Best answers
Is it appropriate to code this as 36200, 75716 and 75625?

PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Femoral angiogram.

PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: After informed consent was obtained patient was
brought to the imaging suite where bilateral inguinal regions were
prepped and draped. After [BLANK] analgesia was administered in the
right inguinal region the right femoral artery was cannulated. 6 French
sheath was advanced in the right femoral. Subsequently an 0.035 wire
pigtail Omniflush catheter was advanced in the abdominal aorta and
abdominal aortogram was performed. The catheter was then withdrawn and
placed in the aortic iliac artery and aortic bifurcation and runoff was
performed. Patient tolerated the procedure well.


1. Bilateral renal [BLANK], abdominal aortogram was patent, but shows
mild irregularities of the abdominal aorta.

2. Bilateral common iliacs show no irregularities.

3. Bilateral internal iliacs are patent.

4. Bilateral external iliacs are patent.

5. Bilateral common femoral arteries are patent.

6. Left superficial femoral artery is diffusely diseased with multiple
tandem 90% lesion extending into the femoral popliteal [BLANK].

7. Right superficial femoral artery is occluded and reconstituted in
the superficial femoral artery at the profunda femoris artery at the
junction of the popliteal.

8. The bilateral popliteal arteries have mild irregularities.

9. Bilaterally the trifurcation vessels are occluded with collaterals
running distally feeding into the, reconstituting in the dorsalis pedis
bilaterally and giving runoff.
Is it appropriate to code this as 36200, 75716 and 75625?

PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Femoral angiogram.

PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: After informed consent was obtained patient was
brought to the imaging suite where bilateral inguinal regions were
prepped and draped. After [BLANK] analgesia was administered in the
right inguinal region the right femoral artery was cannulated. 6 French
sheath was advanced in the right femoral. Subsequently an 0.035 wire
pigtail Omniflush catheter was advanced in the abdominal aorta and
abdominal aortogram was performed. The catheter was then withdrawn and
placed in the aortic iliac artery and aortic bifurcation and runoff was
performed. Patient tolerated the procedure well.


1. Bilateral renal [BLANK], abdominal aortogram was patent, but shows
mild irregularities of the abdominal aorta.

2. Bilateral common iliacs show no irregularities.

3. Bilateral internal iliacs are patent.

4. Bilateral external iliacs are patent.

5. Bilateral common femoral arteries are patent.

6. Left superficial femoral artery is diffusely diseased with multiple
tandem 90% lesion extending into the femoral popliteal [BLANK].

7. Right superficial femoral artery is occluded and reconstituted in
the superficial femoral artery at the profunda femoris artery at the
junction of the popliteal.

8. The bilateral popliteal arteries have mild irregularities.

9. Bilaterally the trifurcation vessels are occluded with collaterals
running distally feeding into the, reconstituting in the dorsalis pedis
bilaterally and giving runoff.

I agree with your choice of codes.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC