Wiki Faster pace needed for reading medical charts


Battle Ground, WA
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I have been a risk adjustment coder for almost 2 years. The companies want the job done accurately but fast. I am trying to skim the chart or speed read through but am afraid I will miss diagnoses that need to be abstracted. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to read through a chart faster and be accurate? These charts are mostly 40 to 60 pages with several DOS and many codes to look up. We have approximately 7 to 7.5 hrs a day to go through 11 charts. They keep saying to make sure you use resources to help with abstraction questions but you really don't have time. This is risk adjustment HCC coding so you have to make sure each code can be abstracted. Thank you.
I am in the exact same situation and I’m on week two of production im afraid I’m going to be let go because I can’t meet the goal.
I do know that the assessment and plan is where I go first and so does my lead. I hope you find tips on speed soon that’s what I’m looking for too so I can keep this job