Wiki FAST Image Retention


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As a remote ED coder, is it a requirement that the coder actually see the fast ultrasound images? Or is it enough for the physician to document in the medical record that images were retained?

Thank you in advance for you help.
Fast exams

You can submit the charges for FAST exams without seeing the images. If the payer requests documentation, then you should be able to request documentation the FAST exam was done without sending the visual images.
If the FAST was done with along with E/M code, you would need to put a modifier 25 on the E/M code and modifier 26 on the FAST for the professional component.

However, I am seeing lots of payers not paying for the FAST exam at all, stating they are included with the E/M code that was charged.
Fast Exam

I know that you as a coder do not have to see the image, however it has to remain a permanent part of the medical record, many times fast exams are done and there are no recorded images.