Wiki Fast Exam/Bedside ultrasound


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Hello! I am inquiring about a locum Doctor that covered our ER for a weekend and brought his own Fast Exam machine (ultrasound). Is there a way that you can bill for that test being done in an ER setting when the machine is owned by the Doctor? I feel like it would be billed on the professional side but Medicare and Kancare are denying it. Any help would be appreciated! Thank You!
A physician cannot bill for the use of their equipment in a facility - only for their professional services. If you are billing a code that has a technical component, then that denial would be correct since reimbursement for that would be inclusive to the fees paid to the hospital for that encounter.

In situations like this, I always also advise that a physician should make sure they are in compliance with hospital regulations when doing something like this. The hospital could be liable for anything that might go wrong with a piece of equipment, and bringing in outside equipment is generally prohibited unless it is done under prior arrangement with the facility.