Wiki Family Practice


El Paso, TX
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Hi, how does my doctor code if a pap smear was done with an OB/gyn when patient comes in for an annual, so it can be documented and reported for reporting purposes. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
I'm a little confused by the question. What I'm interpreting is:
You're the PCP (family practice) and the patient came to you for an annual preventive exam. You did NOT perform a PAP smear, which was done by ob/gyn during a well woman preventive exam.
If you don't provide the service, you would not be coding for the service. The obgyn who provided the PAP would have appropriately coded for it.
Just like if your patient had a colonoscopy by GI, you would not code the colonoscopy.
By "reporting purposes" perhaps you are referring to some insurance carriers wanting you to show that a certain percentage of your patients are up to date with certain screenings to qualify for bonus payments. If that is the case, you would use whatever code that carrier assigns to that screening.
I'm a little confused by the question. What I'm interpreting is:
You're the PCP (family practice) and the patient came to you for an annual preventive exam. You did NOT perform a PAP smear, which was done by ob/gyn during a well woman preventive exam.
If you don't provide the service, you would not be coding for the service. The obgyn who provided the PAP would have appropriately coded for it.
Just like if your patient had a colonoscopy by GI, you would not code the colonoscopy.
By "reporting purposes" perhaps you are referring to some insurance carriers wanting you to show that a certain percentage of your patients are up to date with certain screenings to qualify for bonus payments. If that is the case, you would use whatever code that carrier assigns to that screening.
Yes that is exactly what I am referring to, Doctor would like to report pap was done with ob/gyn but I cant find and reporting codes. thank you