Wiki Family hx coding


Spartanburg, SC
Best answers
If a patient has a screening colonoscopy done for a family hx of colon cancer and then returns 5 yr later for a repeat for the same reason (family hx) would it be considered diagnostic or screening?
Use the V16.0. Insurance will deny V76.51 because this is a screening and it is allowed once every 10 years. V16.0 is high risk and pt is allowed screenings more often because of that dx. Depending on the insurance it can be 3-5 years.
If a patient has a screening colonoscopy done for a family hx of colon cancer and then returns 5 yr later for a repeat for the same reason (family hx) would it be considered diagnostic or screening?

It would be considered high risk screening. v76.51 and v16.0. any denails for the age can be easily solved with a simple appeal letter including screening recomendation quote for high risk from the ACS. Asymptomatic with no personal history, its always screening.
Someone I work with has actually been audited on this issue and told when its medicare you do not need V76.51, but for any other insurance unless stated otherwise you should include V76.51. I'm not 100% saying that is correct, that's just what she was told when she was audited.
