Hi, I am sorry if I am hijacking your thread but I cant figure out how to make my own. I failed by 2 points on my COSC exam and I am rescheduled to take it right away again on Feb 16th. I bought the study guides and practice tests, they were helpful in general but not helpful for preparing me for the tests. My exam was just about all op notes, necks, backs, feet. I have also purchased from another site practice tests, but they dont look very through either. I think I got ripped off on that one. Also the dx codes were brutal. I mean really, in real life we don't need to figure out codes in 2.5 minutes. I have been doing ortho coding for about 4-5 years, so it's still sort of new to me, but that said I really thought I would pass the exam. I just dont know what else to study at this point. I finished in time and considered going back to read some of the ones I wasn't sure about, but at that point my brain was fried. I found that I became confused and all the op notes started running into each other so when I was looking at the codes I got confused as to what note I was coding. They say do the easiest first, but why not do the easiest last? I am going back into the exam believing I will pass. I just wish they gave rationals on the test like they do practice so I can learn from my mistakes.