Wiki Facility Infusion Billing and Coding


Lakeland, FL
Best answers
I am not 100% familiar with hospital billing/coding and need some assistance please. Here's the scenario:​

My facility (hospital) wants to bill for the infusion administrations of Heparin, Dilaudid, Toradol, antibiotics, etc while the patient is in OPPS during pre and post operative.

Per the orders from Anesthesia, Surgeon and PACU orders the patient is to receive the medications listed above for pain and to eliminate post-op infection.

I don’t feel that 96372, 96374, 96375, 96376, 96361 are separately billable as they would be inclusive of the surgery 19307, 19303. A manager stated the facility can bill for the administration codes as post op for the facility is 4-6 hours after surgery. Anything above and beyond that time is not global facility billing.

Facility billing is new to me and I want to make sure I am doing this properly​

Any/all assistance would be greatly appreciated as I have searched the IOM for hours. I need to be able to present something in writing to the said Manager above.

Thanks again for your help!​