Wiki Facility Fee? in Private Practice for visiting Plastics


Charlottesville, VA
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Hello all.

I work for a private Mohs clinic and we have a plastic surgeon that comes into our office from time to time to do closures as a convenience to our patients. He is using our staff, our supplies, our "facility." He will bill through the hospital for which he works for his professional fee but that leaves us unpaid for the supplies and other overhead. The hospital he works for would not be able to bill a facility fee since their facility was not used. Does anyone know how we, as a private practice, could be reimbursed for those expenses?

Thank you.
If you aren't a licensed or credentialed as a facility, you can't bill a facility fee. If that provider is collecting the non-facility rate for services provided in your office, your clinic could negotiate a service agreement with him where he is invoiced for the use of your space, supplies and staff services (maybe charge him the difference between the facility and non-facility rates for the procedures he does). The only other option is that you credential that provider under your clinic and bill for him and then pay him a fee for the services he provides to you. That would be the more traditional route to go. There may be also some legal/malpractice insurance issues involved with having an outside provider working in your clinic, you might want to look into that before choosing what is the best course.