Wiki Facility billing- Can newborns be billed as inpatient OR outpatient ?


Lewiston-Clarkston Chapter
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We currently are following the 2 midnight rule in regards to billing the mother's delivery as either outpatient or inpatient.
Initially we billed all deliveries as Inpatient but some moms leave the next day so we have now applied the 2 midnight rule to determine whether the mom is inpatient or outpatient. My question now is what about the newborn billing?? I feel like the newborn billing should match the mother's billing, if moms billing is outpatient so should the newborns be. But up to now we have been billing the newborns as inpatient.

Wondering what input anyone has on this facility billing regarding outpatient or inpatient for Deliveries and Newborn admits/discharges.

In our office newborns are "admitted" to the hospital as patients at delivery and stay a minimum of three days. Less if the mother requests, but our doc's make them sign out AMA. We never bill a newborn as an outpatient, only as an inpatient.

We never worry about what the mom is billed under but we are a pediatric-only practice.

Hope this helps.

In our office newborns are "admitted" to the hospital as patients at delivery and stay a minimum of three days. Less if the mother requests, but our doc's make them sign out AMA. We never bill a newborn as an outpatient, only as an inpatient.

We never worry about what the mom is billed under but we are a pediatric-only practice.

Hope this helps.


Thank you for your feedback. I truly appreciate it. Just looking to see what others do as we want to comply with what is appropriate.