Wiki F/U Angio throbolysis


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The new 2013 throbolysis all include f/u angio 75898 now.
Any clarification if F/U is performed hours after procedure same day or se[arate f/u the day after procedure ? Are these considered part of the original procedure ?
The new 2013 throbolysis all include f/u angio 75898 now.
Any clarification if F/U is performed hours after procedure same day or se[arate f/u the day after procedure ? Are these considered part of the original procedure ?

From what I have read (Medlearn/Zhealth), day one treatment (37211or 37212) includes all subsequent follow-up angiography performed on the same date of service.

Day two would be coded 37213 or 37214 depending on whether or not the therapy was stopped. All follow-up angiography is included with these codes as well. In short, 75898 no longer applies to thrombolysis.

HTH :)
From what I have read (Medlearn/Zhealth), day one treatment (37211or 37212) includes all subsequent follow-up angiography performed on the same date of service.

Day two would be coded 37213 or 37214 depending on whether or not the therapy was stopped. All follow-up angiography is included with these codes as well. In short, 75898 no longer applies to thrombolysis.

HTH :)

Correct - if you bring the patient back down once, twice, or 14 times on the same date of service for follow-up and/or catheter changes or repositioning, you don't get to code additionally for that.