Wiki eye question

Jamie Dezenzo

True Blue
Horseshoe Bend, AR
Best answers
Hello all,
complex cataract-

OP note reads:
nuclear sclerotic and cortical cataract and also has loose zonules.

Procedure Performed: complex phacoemulsification and partial anterrior vitrectomy.

3 capsular retuention hooks were placed to secure the capsule. The remainder of the phacoemulsification was performed. I/A instrument was used to remove the residual cortical material. Capsular rings were removed. There was minimal capsular support. An edge of the capsule actually came out of the stab incision, and it was grasped and removed from the posterior chamber in total.

Elected to put the anterior chmber lens in eye. stab incisions were made into the anterior chamber, and a corneal scleral scissors were used to make a 6.5mm wound. A partial 2-port anterior vitrectomy was then performed.

Would the vitrectomy bundle into 66982 and what dx would be used for LOOSE ZONULES?

I use 379.39 for loss of zonular support.

Regarding the vitrectomy, I believe it is included in 66982 unless planned pre-operatively for a separate DX. I believe the only exception is for pediatric cataract extractions--67005 or 67010.

CPT Changes 2001, An Insider's View has info on this.

Any other opinions?