Wiki eye exam elements


Santee, CA
Best answers
I'm trying to figure out where inspection of the cornea fits in 97 guidelines, multisystem exam. Is it under Optic Discs? Does it count. Here's an excerpt?

Eyes: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light. No conjunctival redness Cornea normal.

I count -
1 bullet for pupils, irises - Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light
1 bullet for conjunctivae - No conjunctival redness
1 bullet for ophthal - optic discs, pos seg - Cornea normal

Any help would be appreciated. :)
General Multi System Eye Examination

Cornea comes under Ophthal exam - Optic discs, Pos Seg Under Eye system

This is from the AAPC Study guide of CEMC for General Multi-System Examination.

I'm trying to figure out where inspection of the cornea fits in 97 guidelines, multisystem exam. Is it under Optic Discs? Does it count. Here's an excerpt?

Eyes: Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light. No conjunctival redness Cornea normal.

I count -
1 bullet for pupils, irises - Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light
1 bullet for conjunctivae - No conjunctival redness
1 bullet for ophthal - optic discs, pos seg - Cornea normal

Any help would be appreciated. :)