Wiki External cause codes in Consultation sercvices

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I would require ICD-10-CM clarification for External cause coding. The Nephrologist visits CKD patient in inpatient hospital who was admitted for femur fracture. The fracture occurred due to fall.

We are coding CKD codes with injury and external cause codes. I am not sure if we can code initial external cause codes for Nephrologist. The nephrologist is not involved in ortho treatment, should we code external cause codes for consultation services other than ortho/injury services?. Do we have any guidelines for this?

External cause code.


Yes we have to code Intail External cause code even if the provider not related to same specialty. Why because patient having CKD as well he came to clinic with femur fracture. so the provider may not be treat but he check the patient Condition and he suggest/ref to orthopedic Physician or clinic .

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External cause codes are not required In most cases, and should most likely not be necessary if your provider is not directly treating the injury. Per the ICD-10 Chapter 20 guidelines "There is no national requirement for mandatory ICD-10-CM external cause code reporting. Unless a provider is subject to a state-based external cause code reporting mandate or these codes are required by a particular payer, reporting of ICD-10-CM codes in Chapter 20, External Causes of Morbidity, is not required."
If the provider is a nephrologist and is requested to see the patient in the inpatient setting to continue following and treating his patient for CKD while hospitalized for a femur fracture, then there is not reason for the nephrologist to be coding the femur fracture and is causation. The nephrologist is not treating the fracture, and unless the fracture or the causation has a bearing on the patient's CKD status there will be no examination of the injury and no medical decision making for the injury. I don't feel this show be coded as a part of the nephrology encounter.
If the provider is a nephrologist and is requested to see the patient in the inpatient setting to continue following and treating his patient for CKD while hospitalized for a femur fracture, then there is not reason for the nephrologist to be coding the femur fracture and is causation. The nephrologist is not treating the fracture, and unless the fracture or the causation has a bearing on the patient's CKD status there will be no examination of the injury and no medical decision making for the injury. I don't feel this show be coded as a part of the nephrology encounter.

I too accept this, but do we have any guidelines stated or supported for this.
