Wiki External Cause codes for lifting/strenuous movement injuries


Dragoon, Arizona
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Does anyone have any suggestions on how to code for external cause of injury codes for lifting injuries or strenuous movement injuries? Our state requires these codes (cause of injury and place at a minimum) and for most of our strains we are finding that the patients are getting these injuries by lifting something or some other strenuous movement. In ICD-9 there were codes for these and now in ICD-10 we are finding that our encoders and our books are directing us to Y-activity codes which are not acceptable cause of injury status codes. They don't say how they injured it, just the activity involved. I'm hoping someone else has some input or suggestions on this issue. Thank you!
I would love to know as well.

We are curious about that as well. Pushing, pulling, lifting. We cannot find anything proper for this.
State requirement changes possibly

So we ended up getting some information back for our state (AZ), apparently the state requirements are changing for these codes as well. So according to the guidelines in ICD-10 on these codes they direct the coder to the activity codes and that with the place of injury are supposed to be all that's required. I guess the true test will be when we receive state data results back from this quarter that we are coding for. But it sounds like those types of injuries no longer require an external cause code when coding in ICD-10. In the code book it states "Strenuous movements - see category Y93".
Would Y93.E9/Y93.H9 work for some of the situations described?

Also, a related question for work comp experts - should I put Y99.0 on all work comp claims?