Wiki Extensive tenosynvectomy Index finger HELP

Lake View, Alabama
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I need help with this....

Diagnosis: Atypical flexor tenosynovitis of the right index finger

Operation performed: Extensive flexor tenosynvectomy of the right index finger

A burner incision was made. right over the prox phalynx he had some extravasion of this synovitis, and i ended up taking the cruicate ligaments and i left the A2 and the A4 ligament. i released the repair at the end of the case, and i did a synovectomy from the tip of his finger all the way to the end of the pulley system in the index finger. this was a very extensive, permeating synovitis. the areas had eroded throgh the pulley sheath, including on the prox phalynx it went deep up agaist the bone, so that the lining of the pulley system that was agaist the bone, it had permeated that and gone deep and i did an extensive synovectomy. so once i had finished cleaning things up, i irrigated it out extensivly with normal saline,and i repaired the A1 pulley with interrupted figure of 8 4-0 mersilene and i did a few other little areas of just repair. then i closed the skin using innterupted horoz. mattress sutures.

I am confused with this... extensive Tenosynvectomy 26145? and should i code a A1 pulley repair 26500?